With only a little over two weeks left before a new Congress is sworn in, Senate Democrats are proposing a constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College. They seem to believe that Americans would fall for this obvious trap just because Donald Trump won the Electoral College so handily in the 2024 election.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-IL) made the announcement on Monday, stating that the direct election of presidents based on the popular vote would be “fair.” Durbin also made the outlandish claim that this would “restore democracy” in America.
Really? What exactly have we been doing for the past 248 years then? The Democrats must think we’ve never had democracy before if this would restore a tradition that’s been around since our nation’s inception.
This is obviously a desperate political ploy from a party that just took a massive drubbing in the election and lost control of every branch of government. They don’t have any policy victories to throw their dwindling voting base, so they’ve got to offer their voters something.
The Democrats must know that they have no hope of pushing a constitutional amendment through on this issue. It would take a two-thirds vote of the House, the Senate, and the American public to abolish the Electoral College. With Republicans taking control of the House and Senate in two weeks, and the White House on January 20th, there is absolutely no possibility that this would happen.
Even though Donald Trump won the popular vote, GOP voters aren’t dumb enough to fall for this. We know that the coastal elites in California and New York would choose every future president while trampling on the rights of voters in Wyoming and Iowa and calling it “democracy.” Nice try, guys.