Former President Donald Trump’s campaign sent a letter Tuesday to a Pennsylvania-based Democrat-aligned political action committee demanding it remove a digital ad urging Trump supporters not to vote by mail-in ballot.
The 30-second ad begins with words on the screen superimposed over a picture of Trump saying, “MAGA Patriots, Listen to Our President!” The ad includes past clips of Trump questioning the integrity of mail-in voting, a concern he raised in 2020 when several states, including Pennsylvania, changed election procedures to allow for mass voting by mail during the pandemic.
The Trump campaign’s letter to the super PAC Pennsylvania Values states that the ad breaks several federal laws, one of which is the Ku Klux Klan Act.
The letter from Trump campaign attorney David Warrington to Pennsylvania Values treasurer Maria L. Galdo states that the ad falsely claims President Trump asked Pennsylvania voters not to vote by mail. Warrington asserts that this advertisement may constitute both a criminal and civil conspiracy to injure the rights of Trump’s supporters to cast their ballots in Pennsylvania. He demands that the PAC cease broadcasting or distributing the advertisement and preserve all relevant documents in anticipation of likely litigation.
Warrington mentioned a federal law that makes it a crime to plan to harm, oppress, threaten, or scare anyone from freely exercising their rights or privileges guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution or laws. He stressed that the right to vote is one of these protected rights.
He cites a Justice Department case against conservative social media influencer Douglass Mackey, who was convicted in 2023 of “conspiracy against rights” for social media posts during the 2016 presidential election that falsely instructed people they could vote by text for Democrat Hillary Clinton. One post even falsely indicated it was “Paid for by Hillary For President 2016,” according to the DOJ.
Warrington continues that the ad appears to violate the Ku Klux Klan Act. This law was enacted during Republican Ulysses S. Grant’s administration to prevent Democrats associated with the KKK from intimidating Republican voters. He asserts that the PAC’s ad fits this intimidation bill and demands they immediately cease and desist from broadcasting false and intimidating advertisements while preserving all relevant documents and communications.
Commentator Liam Donovan posted on social media that the super PAC in question was a significant supporter of Democrat causes. Pennsylvania Values is funded almost entirely by the building trades and was most active in 2018, spending $1.1 million against Republican challenger Lou Barletta and another $285,000 in 2020 against Trump.
Brian Hughes, senior adviser to the Trump campaign, released a statement accusing Biden and his allies of election interference and spreading lies. He claimed Trump has consistently urged his followers to use all legal voting methods, citing the website SwamptheVoteUSA.com as proof. Hughes argues that the ad represents an intentional effort to mislead and suppress Trump supporters, aiming to disrupt a fair election.