Like an abusive husband who gives his wife a black eye, shoves her down the stairs, and puts a cigarette out on her arm, the US Army is now begging the unvaccinated soldiers that it kicked out of the military to please come back. The Army gave these soldiers involuntary discharges and kicked them out for refusing Joe Biden’s illegal and unconstitutional mandate. “I’m sorry, baby! You know how my temper is. It was that demon liquor! Please, come back!”
Starting early in 2022, the Pentagon started eagerly kicking unvaxed soldiers out and wrecking their military careers. They were dishonorably discharged. Joe Biden’s military leaders were gleeful about this.
By August 2021, when the military started enforcing Joe Biden’s jab mandate, the world had had eight months to observe the effects of these harmful experimental medicines. More than 17,000 military members refused to take the shots. The only surprising thing about this figure is that it wasn’t higher. We had mountains of anecdotal and scientific evidence that something was seriously wrong with the mRNA technology.
Between August 2021 and January 2022, the military jabbed almost every soldier who had acquiesced with what were essentially illegal orders. We don’t have to speculate about the results of this. The data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED)—the most highly respected epidemiological database in the world—showed that 43% of the troops suffered short-term nervous system diseases during that period.
Here are some other interesting data points from this dark period of military history. These are the percentage increases in serious and in many cases career-ending injuries that soldiers experienced, compared to the previous five-year average without the jabs:
- Breast cancer: +536%
- Testicular cancer: +369%
- Stomach cancer: +624%
- Thyroid cancer: +474%
- Multiple sclerosis: +680%
- Hypertension: +2,281%
In case you think that last number is a typo, the five-year average prior to the jabs was 2,360 soldiers being diagnosed with hypertension. That’s out of roughly 1,195,00 active duty troops and 778,000 reserve troops (the numbers we had at the time). During the six-month period of the jabs, there were 53,846 military members diagnosed with hypertension.
Every Member of Congress was presented with this data in March 2022. Only one of them—Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI)—even mentioned the data in a committee hearing. The rest of them pretended it never happened.
The Pentagon under Joe Biden has prioritized transgender issues, DEI, and global warming (which is fake) as their highest priorities. Those stupid issues, which have nothing to do with maintaining a fighting force, along with the illegal jab mandates, caused recruitment numbers to plummet. People will fight and die for their country, but no one wants to die over a bunch of pointless political nonsense.
The US Army’s recruitment numbers have fallen by about 33,000 per year since the jab mandates. Now they want all those people they kicked out to come back. They’re even offering to correct their military records and erase their dishonorable discharges. They abusively purged the ranks and now they’re expecting their abuse victims to come crawling back like good little doggies.
The only scenario in which soldiers should rejoin the military after being kicked out is if Donald Trump wins the November election. People can barely remember the COVID insanity that went on three years ago now, but we should remember. Millions of Americans were hurt by these shots and only one US Senator will even admit that the vaccine injured exist.