Biden’s Desperate Bid to Win Over Latino Voters with Immigration Gimmicks / /

In a last-ditch effort to secure Latino votes in pivotal states like Nevada and Arizona, President Joe Biden is on the brink of pushing through another immigration policy aimed at legalizing long-term undocumented immigrants married to American citizens. This comes right on the heels of his recent executive action to curb border crossings, proving once again that Biden is willing to do whatever it takes to secure his reelection, even if it means playing fast and loose with our immigration laws.

The plan involves an obscure legal authority known as “parole in place,” which would shield certain undocumented immigrants from deportation, allowing them to work legally while seeking citizenship. Although the final details are still under review, it’s clear that this move is a calculated effort to win over Latino voters by pandering to their communities. The orders have yet to reach Biden’s desk, but the political maneuvering is full swing.

Polling data reviewed by Biden’s top aides suggests this could be a game-changer. As Democratic Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly puts it, “Everything is on the margins.” He believes this move could help Biden, especially in states where Latino voters could tip the balance. We’re talking about 750,000 to 800,000 people directly affected, with a ripple effect that could influence millions of votes in battleground states like Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia.

Biden’s team is painfully aware that they’ve lost the narrative on the border. That’s why they started tightening asylum rules last week, hoping to regain some control. However, the real kicker is this new move, which is expected to send a powerful signal to Latino communities that Biden supposedly understands and cares about their plight. It’s the most extensive relief program since Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). It could be Biden’s ticket to securing his second term, just like DACA was for Obama in 2012.

Interestingly, while Biden is rolling out these grand gestures, Trump’s campaign is active. They’ve launched a “Latinos for Trump” group, coinciding with Trump’s rally in Las Vegas. Trump even brought out former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, infamous for his hardline stance on undocumented immigrants, showing that he’s not backing down on his immigration policies.

Despite some skepticism about whether Biden will follow through, his aides strategically discuss the best timing for the announcement. One idea is to unveil it before the June 27 debate, hoping to provoke Trump into attacking the popular orders. However, there’s concern that doing so might give Trump an opening to label the move as “amnesty,” potentially turning voters against Biden’s actions. Another option is to wait until July 4, making the announcement part of a patriotic celebration.

Sen. Kelly regularly hears from constituents affected by documentation issues and CEOs in need of more workers. He believes these policies resonate deeply with Arizonans, impacting co-workers, friends, and family members. To quell criticism from Latino and immigration advocacy groups over his crackdown on border crossings, Biden’s operatives have been quietly reassuring leaders that more help is on the way.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas hinted at further immigration actions during a virtual briefing with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the Congressional Progressive Caucus. According to insiders, the administration is exploring options to extend protections to long-term undocumented immigrants.

Biden’s strategists argue that balancing border security with legalization measures will appeal to Latino voters who’ve drifted from him. They cite polls showing broad support for both border enforcement and family unification. These numbers reveal significant backing for expanding work permits to Dreamers and other undocumented immigrants who’ve lived in the U.S. for years and have clean records.

In his border action announcement, Biden teased further moves, addressing criticism from immigrant advocates and progressives. He urged patience and promised to reveal plans for a fairer immigration system in the coming weeks.

Democratic Rep. Tom Suozzi, who regained his New York seat by resisting Republican immigration attacks, supports Biden’s potential moves. He argues that providing documentation to people in citizen families is an easy fix that most Americans already think happens and would support.

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham also stresses the importance of these new moves for voters in her state and the Southwest. She believes voters want a president who understands their struggles and makes tough decisions. Biden’s spokesman, Angelo Fernández Hernández, confirmed that the administration continues to explore various policy options to address the broken immigration system.

Pressure has been mounting on Biden from Democratic lawmakers and advocacy groups for more policy moves. In May, Democratic senators, including Alex Padilla and Catherine Cortez Masto, called for protections for long-term undocumented immigrants, including those married to American citizens.

Sen. Padilla expressed disappointment with Biden’s recent border actions and urged him to pair them with thoughtful, overdue relief measures. Advocates emphasize the potential political benefits, comparing Biden’s situation to Obama’s pivotal DACA decision, which remains a landmark immigration policy.

As Biden faces growing pressure and sinking Latino support, his next immigration move could be crucial for his reelection bid. The stakes are high; only time will tell if his calculated efforts will pay off.