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Red Herring / shutterstock.com

New Bill Could Be the Key to Making Sure Your Vote Counts

The U.S. House of Representatives finally passed the Vote by Mail Tracking Act, a new bill aiming to make tracking mail-in ballots as easy...
Defotoberg / shutterstock.com

Farming Goes Vertical: When Dutch Ingenuity Reaches New Heights

Let me tell you about the Dutch. These are people who looked at a country that’s mostly underwater and thought, “Yeah, we can make...
TSViPhoto / shutterstock.com

Close Encounters or Just Close to Crazy? The UFO Over the Neighbor’s Roof

So, let me get this straight: a man claims to have spotted an "absolutely huge" UFO hovering over his neighbor’s house, and now the...
HandmadePictures / shutterstock.com

Who Moved the Cheddar? Jamie Oliver’s Call to Arms Over a Cheese Caper

Let’s talk about crime. Not the kind that keeps us awake at night, worrying about the state of our streets or the safety of...
PR Image Factory / shutterstock.com

Leaving America? Washington Post Maps Your Route to a Trump-Free Paradise

The Washington Post, still salty over the Kamala Harris endorsement scandal, decided to soothe its readers—aka overeducated liberals clutching their diplomas and pearls—with a...
Jonah Elkowitz / shutterstock.com

The Trump Administration’s Plan to Wipe Out Biden’s Regulations—Will It Work?

Donald Trump, now President-elect, won the election on promises to roll back Biden-era regulations, particularly those targeting net-zero emissions in the energy sector. While...
Drazen Zigic / shutterstock.com

Teachers Join the War on Disinformation: Who Decides What’s True?

Here’s a headline for you: U.S. teachers are joining the “battle against disinformation.” That’s right, the same public education system that struggles to teach...
tomtomdotcom_tbirdaerial / shutterstock.com

California’s Migrant Crisis Hits Newport Beach: “Thanks, Governor Newsom”

Well, this is rich. Newport Beach, the iconic California enclave known for its yacht clubs and pristine shores, just got a firsthand taste of...
Melnikov Dmitriy / shutterstock.com

America and Israel: A Real Friendship Returns (Sorry, Europe)

Brace yourselves, folks. After years of frosty handshakes and awkward silences, the United States is finally strengthening its ties with Israel again. Shocking, isn’t...
MP_Foto / shutterstock.com

Germany’s Green Energy Power Grid Down Because of Normal Winter Weather

Green energy psychopaths will tell you that there’s absolutely no downside to running your power grid from windmills and solar panels. They’re saving the...