Now we’ve heard it all. After 19 people were killed and another 89 wounded in Chicago over the Fourth of July holiday, Mayor Brandon Johnson has come up with a novel excuse. It’s Richard Nixon’s fault that the Windy City is a blood-soaked hellhole. Yes, he’s talking about the same Richard Nixon who was forced out of the White House by a CIA operation all the way back in 1974. For those who are sticklers for facts, Nixon also died 30 years ago. Mayor Johnson has to blame someone, though. It’s not like he’s going to look in the mirror and find the real criminal who is responsible for the city’s current misery.
More than one-third of all the homicides that happened in America over the four-day weekend happened in Chicago. The people of Chicago now refer to the city as “Chiraq,” while many outsiders simply recognize it as Murder City. In an emergency press conference to talk about all the violence and mayhem, Mayor Johnson claimed that there would be consequences.
That seems doubtful. Here are a few questions that reporters did not ask Mayor Johnson at the presser.
How many suspects have the police identified? How many suspects have the police arrested over the 108 people being shot over the weekend? How many of those suspects has George Soros’s bought-and-paid-for State’s Attorney Kim Foxx filed felony charges against?
We have a sneaking suspicion the answer to all three of those questions is “zero.” The police force has been stripped to such a small size in Chicago that there are no cops to respond to about half of all 911 calls. That’s not even including the 911 calls when there aren’t even enough dispatchers available to answer phones.
The people of Chicago can rest easy tonight, though, because Mayor Johnson has identified the main culprit.
“Black death has unfortunately been accepted in this country for far too long. And we had a chance 60 years ago to fix that and people mocked President [Lyndon B.] Johnson. And we got Nixon.”
Richard Nixon didn’t defund the police. Mayor Brandon Johnson did that, along with the rest of Chicago’s city leaders. In one of the most awful mass shootings over the weekend in a South Side neighborhood, two women and an eight-year-old boy were murdered. Two other little kids were critically injured.
Johnson also blamed the violence on “years of disinvestment” and poverty. Does defunding the police count as disinvestment in Mayor Johnson’s mind? We have so many questions that the press didn’t bother asking him. Which political party did all the “disinvesting” in Chicago? We’ll give Mayor Johnson a hint. The last Republican mayor of Chicago left office 93 years ago.
Mayor Johnson’s latest plan to “help” the city involves getting rid of the ShotSpotter technology, which helps police respond to shooting scenes more quickly. Johnson has declared ShotSpotter to be racist because it only seems to identify shootings that happen in black neighborhoods.
Does anyone want to tell him? We kind of want to tell him.
It’s not helping that the State of Illinois passed the most draconian gun ban in American history in 2023. Many of the most popular handguns in America are now illegal in Chicago. Naturally, the only people who are armed are the gang members who don’t care about the law. Some citizens are starting to arm themselves anyway to fight back, but it’s not making much of a difference yet. The city is too far gone. And we are 100% positive that it is not Richard Nixon’s fault.