Green energy psychopaths will tell you that there’s absolutely no downside to running your power grid from windmills and solar panels. They’re saving the planet, after all. The German people are just now discovering the basic common-sense principle that windmills don’t work if the wind doesn’t blow and solar panels are useless without sunlight.
A high-pressure system moved over northern Europe this week and guess what? After spending hundreds of billions of euros to build windmills and solar panels, the grid was only able to provide 0.0015% of the necessary daily power that Germany needs.
All 1,602 offshore windmills that Germany built in the North and Baltic Seas stopped spinning due to lack of wind. The high-pressure system also brought in thick fog which rendered all the solar farms useless. Only a handful of land-based windmills had enough of a breeze to keep spinning.
Germany requires 63,000 megawatts of electricity every day to keep the power and heat on in every home and business. During the high-pressure system—which is still ongoing—they’ve only been able to generate approximately 100 megawatts per day. This is normal winter weather for Germany and northern Europe, by the way.
The good news is that Germany was able to import enough electricity from fossil fuels from other countries. The bad news is that because they’ve demonized cheap and efficient natural gas and coal, everyone in Germany gets to add one or two zeroes to their monthly power bills now. Energy prices skyrocket when they have to import it.
The only reason why fossil fuel power is so expensive is because of politics. They did this to themselves by drinking the global warming Kool-Aid. If normal winter weather can shut down your power grid, you don’t have an efficient system.