The writing seems to be on the wall at Fox News right now. 8 pm host Jesse Watters will likely be fired by the end of this week. They’re just inking out a severance package for him right now in the corporate offices. He’s already been removed from “The Five” and he will probably be booted from his 8 pm timeslot within a few days. What exactly did Jesse do? He said something about Kamala Harris, and then all the quote-unquote “conservative” women at Fox News rushed in to defend Kamala’s honor.
The hosts on “The Five” were talking about Kamala Harris’s complete lack of leadership skills and moral fortitude last week when Jesse’s “offensive” remark was made. They were discussing how things would happen in the situation room during a real international crisis. In the context of that conversation, Jesse stated:
“You have a lot of impact there, as Commander in Chief. We don’t know who she is, we don’t know what she believes. She’s going to get paralyzed in the situation room while the generals have their way with her.”
We all know what Jesse Watters meant by that statement. He was saying that Kamala Harris is a dirty slut and she would have a gangbang with the generals and then post the video of it on Pornhub, right?
We’re joking, obviously. Jesse’s point was that Kamala Harris’s lack of leadership skills would mean she would get walked all over by the generals during a crisis. That’s all that he meant by that, and any reasonable person would have interpreted it that way.
But not the huffy broads at Fox News!
“Jesse Watters!” scolded his fake “conservative” co-host Dana Perino.
“Ooh, Jesse,” huffed his RINO co-host Jeanine Pirro. “I don’t like that. Take it back!”
Take it back? “The Five” is a news commentary show, in which all of the hosts are expected to comment on the news. That’s all Jesse Watters was doing. He commented about Kamala Harris’s lack of leadership. There wasn’t anything malicious about it and he was using a common expression that people use a million times a day in the English language without having any sexual connotation to it.
That one comment was all it took, and suddenly every fake “conservative” woman at Fox News was calling for Jesse Watters to be fired. He was removed from “The Five” on Friday and now he’s fighting to save his career.
Everyone sees what’s going on here, right? One of the only two remaining conservative hosts on Fox News that is worth watching is about to get fired, two months before the 2024 election. That’s what this is really about.
One person who is not hiding his feelings about the situation is the other conservative host at Fox News, Greg Gutfeld. On Friday’s episode of “The Five,” Gutfeld looked like he was about to puke on the table the whole time over the absence of Jesse Watters.
Without naming Jesse Watters, Gutfeld gleefully unloaded on one of the huffy broads over something she said that could be perceived as sexism. It was kind of hilarious actually.
Watch this segment of “The Five” starting at around the 7:30 mark and you’ll see how exasperated Gutfeld is over this entire ridiculous saga: