The RNC Has an Army of Lawyers and Volunteers Ready for Election Day in...
Under the failed leadership of Ronna Romney McDaniel, the Republican National Committee was woefully unprepared to deal with the aftermath of the fake and...
Billions for Migrants, Pennies for Disaster Relief—Is This Biden’s FEMA Plan?
The Biden-Harris administration has managed to pull off quite the magic trick: making a billion taxpayer dollars disappear from disaster relief and reappear for...
Assassination or PR Stunt? Here’s What They Want You to Believe
Ryan Wesley Routh, a 58-year-old man, is facing serious allegations for allegedly attempting to assassinate former President Donald Trump. He is now claiming he...
How the FCC is Helping a Liberal Democrat Control What You Hear
The U.S. House Oversight Committee is investigating why the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decided to rush through a deal that let a billionaire Democratic...
Hezbollah Commander Dead, But The Media Wants Us To Feel Sorry For Terrorists
Well, it looks like Hezbollah’s top brass is dropping like flies, and Israel isn’t slowing down anytime soon. Senior Hezbollah commander Nabil Qaouk just...
They’re Quietly Rigging the U.S. Election—And No One’s Stopping Them
Most Americans will never actually meet the people they're voting for. We just know them from the flood of media and campaign ads shoved...
After Abusing Unvaxed Soldiers, US Army Begs Them to Please Come Back
Like an abusive husband who gives his wife a black eye, shoves her down the stairs, and puts a cigarette out on her arm,...
Zelensky Takes a Break From War to Campaign for Biden-Harris in Pennsylvania on Your...
It looks like President Zelensky has decided to take a break from leading a war-torn country to join the Democrats on their U.S. election...
Trump Jr. Mad: Why Did Biden’s DOJ Release Assassin’s $150,000 Bounty Letter on His...
Donald Trump Jr. said the Justice Department's choice to release a letter from his father's second would-be assassin has made things even more dangerous...
Robinson’s Campaign Struggles As The Media Tries To Cancel Him Over Old Comments
Mark Robinson's campaign for North Carolina governor is hitting the skids, but hey, who needs integrity when you've got a trail of inflammatory comments...