Hunter Biden’s law license in Washington DC was suspended on Tuesday, a mere two weeks after he was found guilty of lying about his drug use to get a firearm. Quite the resume booster, isn’t it?
The Office of Disciplinary Counsel at the DC Bar filed a notice last week to suspend Hunter’s law license after his conviction on June 11. Shortly after this filing, Hunter was immediately suspended from practicing law by the District of Columbia Court of Appeals.
The court correctly said the “serious crimes” warranted the suspension of Biden’s ability to practice law in the district. The DC Court of Appeals noted that Hunter’s conviction ticked all the boxes for “serious crimes,” according to the bar’s rules, which frown upon members committing felonies or any offenses involving “false swearing, misrepresentation, [or] fraud.” Clearly, Hunter’s legal drama involves all of it. Hunter apparently forgot that attorneys can’t commit felonies, give false testimonies, and lie on legal documents.
Before this drama, Hunter — a Yale Law School alum, no less — was seen as a member in good standing of the district bar. It seems they overlooked his questionable activities, perhaps due to his influential father.
The appeals court has called on the DC Bar’s Board on Professional Responsibility to initiate formal proceedings to determine the nature of the offense and whether it involves “moral turpitude.” Apparently, the term “lying to get a gun” wasn’t clear enough.
The president’s son has been found guilty of three felony charges related to his 2018 acquisition of a firearm while he was addicted to crack cocaine. The charges include making false statements on the purchase application, possessing a firearm as a drug user, and illegally obtaining a firearm. These serious offenses could result in a maximum sentence of up to 25 years in prison. The case has garnered significant media attention due to the high-profile nature of the defendant and the implications for the president and his administration.
Earlier this week, Hunter’s legal team tried to roll the dice again, filing paperwork for a new trial after previously chickening out without explanation. Maybe they’re trying to perfect the art of the legal tease.
The scandal-prone first son joined the DC bar in 2007, dutifully paying $331 a year to keep his membership active. Seems like a bargain for the drama he’s provided. Hunter’s legal prowess hasn’t been much in evidence lately. Still, he did hold an “of counsel” position at the Democrat-linked law firm Boies Schiller Flexner LLP during his father’s vice presidency. Nepotism, anyone?
Hunter’s Connecticut law license is also on the ropes for failing to pay a reinstatement fee. Of course, remembering to pay fees isn’t his strong suit. He had to get Kevin Morris to pay his back taxes.
Hunter currently resides in California, far from the scene of his latest legal troubles. Sentencing for the firearm case is set for the fall, with Hunter facing up to 25 years in prison and fines up to $750,000. But given that he’s a first-time offender, he’s likely hoping for a slap on the wrist instead of the full Monty.
President Biden has said he won’t pardon his son or commute his sentence. Adding to the fun, Hunter is set to stand trial on September 5 in Los Angeles for allegedly dodging about $1.4 million in taxes from 2016 to 2019. Naturally, he’s pleaded not guilty to all counts. What a shocker.
Hunter Biden’s legal team did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Probably too busy trying to keep up with his next courtroom drama.