Democrats have spoken. Kamala Harris could be installed as commander-in-chief without a single primary vote from the American people. It flies against the concept of democracy, and the left-wing media is all about it.
The media has long said that MAGA is a cult. And judging from the over-the-top reaction of the media to Harris’s expected coronation at the Democratic National Convention, they know a thing or two about cults.
Harris gave her first campaign speech on Monday at her new election headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware. The left’s reactions were embarrassing.
Tim Miller, the host of “The Bulwark” podcast, said he was so excited that he could hardly stay in his seat, and people were “eagerly waiting” for this moment. Maya Wiley, a guest on MSNBC, agreed and mentioned that she was even more excited than Tim.
Wiley mentioned that she was close to crying during a part of Harris’ speech when she talked about her relationship with Biden.
But if it’s a contest, they will surely lose to MSNBC pundit Donny Deutsch. Deutsch gushed over the ‘twinkle in her eye” and the “kick in her step.” He claimed he got chills during her speech when she said she knew “Donald Trump’s type.” He was excited over the thought that she would “prosecute this case.”
It’s unclear what “case” he is talking about. He continued his adoration, incoherently gushing, “I was, like, I fell in love with her. I thought she was smart, engaging. She’s funny, feisty, twinkle in your eye, punch you in the gut. I mean, everything you kind of want.”
David Axelrod, a former Obama adviser, said he would be very worried if he were at Trump’s headquarters watching that speech. He thought Kamala Harris introduced herself well, not just as the Vice President but as a leading candidate.
But Harris had years to introduce herself. When America met her in 2019 during her failed presidential campaign, they didn’t like her. And after three years of supporting horrible Biden policies and refusing to act on the border, Americans have had enough Harris to last a lifetime.
It’s not the first time liberals have fanboyed over a candidate. 2008 following an Obama speech, Chris Matthews said he “felt this thrill going up his leg.” Matthews compared Obama to Jesus and admitted he cried over an Obama speech.
Team Trump has taken some time to reset its strategy. They have a lot of ammunition to work with, including Harris’s inaction at the border, her rabidly socialist views, and her record of supporting the release of violent offenders from jail.
Joe Gamaldi, the national vice president of the Fraternal Order of Police, said that Harris has strongly supported bail reform and even donated to a fund that helped get people charged with serious crimes like murder, rape, and shootings out on bail. He emphasized that this isn’t about helping someone who stole a candy bar to feed their kids, but rather about violent criminals. “Let’s be clear about something,” he said. “If Kamala Harris becomes the next president of the United States, she will be an unmitigated disaster for public safety in this country.”
Harris’s position on Hamas remains unclear. She chose to sit out a speech by visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and decided to campaign instead. For his part, Netanyahu never mentioned her name during his speech. It’s symbolic of her struggle to find a balance between the rabid antisemites within her party and those who support Israel.
But the media hype may soon lose momentum. Harris’s highly anticipated second speech in Milwaukee provided nothing new. She recycled her Delaware speech, turning her campaign into nothing more than a “get Trump” platform.
That strategy is one Democrats know well. In fact, “getting Trump” propelled several people to office, where they wasted no time following through on the promise.
But the drooling media refuses to see that Harris has the personality of a slab of particle board. Neither speech felt personal. An hour after her rally in Milwaukee, she was on a plane back to Washington instead of meeting people in a coffee shop or getting out from behind the podium.
The media’s fawning over Harris is unsettling. This is the same crew that covered for Biden for months before throwing him out like expired milk.
CNN correspondent Jamie Gangel remarked. “What struck me most was that is fighting Kamala Harris. She is coming out, guns blazing.”
This may be the first time Republicans support gun control.