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SewCreamStudio / shutterstock.com

Mortgage Rates Jump for the Third Straight Time

People looking to buy a home have stayed watching the mortgage rates for the last few years, and ever since Biden became President, they...
Ground Picture / shutterstock.com

Professor Forced to Get Security After Study Proves Cops Aren’t Racist

According to the political left, systemic racism exists, especially in the law enforcement industry. Apparently, that’s why more blacks are shot and incarcerated each...
Melnikov Dmitriy / shutterstock.com

Allies Angry That Media Outlets Covered Hur’s Conclusion That Biden is a Confused Old...

After Robert Hur released the special counsel report on President Joe Biden’s classified documents case, Americans could clearly see the President’s deteriorating mental capacity....
Kristen Prahl / shutterstock.com

Nevada Residents Shocked to Discover They Voted in Feb. 6 Primary

Residents in Nevada who did not vote in the February 6 primary election have been surprised to learn that ballots were, in fact, cast...
Muhammad Aamir Sumsum / shutterstock.com

WATCH: Biden’s Unconditional Withdrawal Led to Afghan Chaos

Biden withdrew troops from Afghanistan awhile back, but his decisions are still haunting the US and the globe. Watch now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGgCKeVxjwE
lev radin / shutterstock.com

Pelosi’s Taunt Hits Hard: Trump’s Cash Can’t Buy Ethics

In a recent appearance on MSNBC's Inside With Jen Psaki, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) did not hold back in her criticism of...

Biden Admin Prepares to Stop EV Transition as Reality Sets In

With an election year in full swing, the Biden administration is trying to make all sorts of promises. But it’s also having to readjust...
Rawpixel.com / shutterstock.com

OPED: In 2024, More Voters Is the Best Thing for the Conservative Voice

For the better part of the last 50 years, the idea was that when the number of voters who came out to cast their...
Andrey_Popov / shutterstock.com

Judge Drops Bombshell on Trump’s Lawyer: Treat Willis as Hostile Witness

There was a tense atmosphere in the courtroom on Thursday as Fani Willis took the stand. Her testimony was eagerly anticipated. The atmosphere thickened...
Drop of Light / shutterstock.com

DOJ Finally Tells the Truth: Confirms Biden’s has Memory Issues

Special Counsel Rober Hur, who was investigating Joe Biden's handling of Classified docs, told the truth when he concluded that Biden had serious memory...