Vice President Kamala Harris has tried for years to disguise her abortion extremism as ambiguity. Her attempts to hide her radical beliefs about ending life in the womb through all nine months so she can continue to climb the political ladder, however, fail in the face of the facts.
Ever since she took office alongside President Joe Biden, Harris has ensured that abortion is a priority for the White House and Biden administration. Much of this activism came through her events and speeches, such as when Harris became the first vice president to visit a Planned Parenthood facility in March 2024.
In addition to her cozy relationship with abortion giants, Harris has not only praised the persecution of pro-life pregnancy centers but also lamented life-saving laws in Republican states from behind the White House seal.
Harris knows most Americans oppose Democrats’ unlimited abortion-for-all agenda, which is why she has repeatedly tried to downplay her role in advancing it. In a September 2023 interview with CBS, Harris refused to specify which abortion limits she supports, instead claiming she merely wants to “restore the protections of Roe v. Wade.”
Harris’s evasion is even more damning, considering she supports a bill that would allow late-term abortions under the broad and undefined caveat of “a risk to her life or health.”
Even before she became VP, Harris had a notably anti-life track record. As California attorney general, she targeted a pro-life journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood for trafficking the body parts of aborted babies. She also pushed for and celebrated her state’s illegal and unconstitutional FACT Act, which, before the Supreme Court intervened in 2018, forced crisis pregnancy centers to inform clients about how to get abortions.
As a senator, Harris sponsored, introduced and voted for multiple bills that stripped protections for unborn babies and pro-lifers. She co-sponsored the original “Women’s Health Protection Act” version. She voted against protections for babies born alive after botched abortions. In 2018, Harris introduced the “Do No Harm Act,” aiming to effectively kneecap doctors with religious objections to abortions and transgender surgeries. The Act also sought to punish faith-based schools and charities for their views on birth control.
During her first failed presidential campaign, Harris touted a plan to stifle Republican-led states from enacting pro-life protections without approval from the politicized Department of Justice. She also demanded the repeal of the Hyde Amendment, which prevents federal funds from being used for abortions.
Harris’s extreme views are not limited to abortion. She has a long history of anti-Catholic bigotry that not only hurts pro-lifers but also faithful Catholics. One notable example was Brian Buescher, a US District Court for Nebraska nominee, who was smeared by Harris in 2018 for his affiliation with the Knights of Columbus.
Kamala Harris has tried and failed to paint her abortion extremism as something the country desires. Her radicalism, which she has touted from the beginning of her political career, plagues her presidential aspirations. The majority of Americans do not support her extreme stance on abortion, and her attempts to disguise it as mainstream are transparent. It’s high time she’s held accountable for her radical views and actions.
Let’s face it: Kamala Harris’s track record on abortion is as extreme as it gets. From pushing for unrestricted abortion to targeting pro-lifers, she has shown where her true priorities lie. And while she tries to hide her extremism behind ambiguous statements and political jargon, the facts speak for themselves. America deserves better than a vice president who puts radical abortion policies above the values and beliefs of the majority of its citizens.